Like all Groundvue Ground Probing Radars, Groundvue 6 is user friendly ans uses easy to operate dedicated software.Antenna Bandwidth 7MHz to 30 MHz or 15MHz to 60MHz.The three antenna: 250MHz, 500MHz and 1GHz central frequency bowtie- mean the system analyses the subsurface in great detail and ensures an operator is equipped for all eventualities.With a bandwidth of 125MHz-2GHz the Trivue is ideally suited for utility detection, ground engineering projects, environmental applications, and road and railway ballast assessment.Groundvue data is also compatible with Roadscanners, GPR-Slice and Geoscanners software.Analytical software – the ReflexW package – is also available.Integrated GPS/GPR (much faster data collection).An internal Li- Ion battery can run the system for up to 10 hours with the option of connecting an external battery for extended operation.The antenna also houses all electronics enabling data to be recorded to a rugged tablet or laptop running Windows OS (XP to 10) via wired or wireless network.Housed within a light weight rugged casing.Multi-frequency Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system comprising three bistatic bow tie antenna oriented around an identical common mid-point,.Information about the product can be seen in the following brochure: GroundVue3 In collaboration with UTSI ELECTRONICS UK, we act as exclusive agents providing GPR Instruments. Internal data stacking within the reciever – much more efficient than data stacking in post processing.Fully screened antennas to reduce EMC (interference).Twin arrayed antennas to improve the signal to clutter ratio.High dynamic range and low noise to aid detection of weaker signals.Broad band frequency response to reduce ringing.Use the same system for different applications. Use the same antennas on a trolley, on a vehicle, or hand-towed. Mix and match antennas to your own specification. The company provides training in GPR techniques, both for beginners and for more experienced users. GPRs are available for purchase or hire and we can field experienced survey teams or recommend a reliable survey provider from our clients. They use very broad band frequency spectrum to produce a high signal to noise ratio, resulting in better depth penetration for the same frequency of antenna & good signal clarity. Most of their systems use twin arrayed antennas to reduce noise. UTSI Electronics developed the GPR survey tool called GroundVue. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a method in geophysics that uses an electromagnetic wave source in the form of radar.